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Armor & Outfits


Armor is the first layer of defenses and prevents some damage a character receives.

Armor provides Damage Reduction (DR) for these damage types:

  • Physical (including Kinetic) Damage,
  • Fire (including Explosive) Damage,
  • Cold Damage,
  • Acid (including Radiation, Biohazard) Damage.

An armor blocks an amount of damage equal to its DR value for the type of the damage.

If the damage received is less than the armor’s DR, the armor’s Durability is still reduced by 2 points. If the armor doesn’t block all damage with its DR, the armor’s Durability is reduced by the blocked damage—its DR value.

Name Durability Physical Fire Cold Acid Bulk Cost RES
Light Armor 25 4 2 4 2 2 1.000 0
Heavy Armor 100 8 4 2 4 5 10.000 3
Hazmat Suit 50 0 4 6 8 4 2.500 2

Armor, DR and Durablity

An opponent wears a Light Armor and his hit for 4 Physical Damage. The Armor’s DR blocks all the incoming damage, so the Armor’s Durablity is only reduced by 2 points.
Next time, the opponent his hit harder with 9 Physical Damage. The Armor’s DR blocks 5 damage, so the opponent only receives 4 Physical Damage. The Armor’s Durability is reduced by 5 points.

Repairing Armor

Armor that reaches 0 Durability does not provide DR anymore. It has to be repaired first, which costs half its Cost.


Outfits are worn on a character’s body, but do not provide DR. They provide other bonus, such as additional MAG capacity, bonuses on Stealth rolls, etc.

Chest Rig

You receive 2 additional MAGs for your primary and secondary weapon. Also you get an additional thrown weapon slot.

Chest Carrier

You receive 3 additional MAGs for your primary weapon and 4 for your secondary weapon. Also you get two additional thrown weapon slots.
