
This chapter lists all available armour for vessels. The armour rating describes how much damage is reduced by the armour. The speed column shows how much speed the armour takes away from the vessel. Weight is irrelevant, and is represented in the penalty to speed.

Name Armour Requirements Speed Cost
Small Armour MK I 4 Small Vessel -1 5000
Small Armour MK II 6 Small Vessel -2 7000
Small Armour MK III 8 Small Vessel -3 9000
Name Armour Requirements Speed Cost
Medium Armour MK I 6 Medium Vessel -1 12000
Medium Armour MK II 10 Medium Vessel -2 18000
Medium Armour MK III 14 Medium Vessel -3 24000
Medium Armour MK IV 18 Medium Vessel -5 32000

Power Cores

Power cores provide the ship with power, necessary to operate engines, modules and to keep the lights on. They are the most vital part of the ship and require fuel to operate.

The fuel value shows how much fuel the power core requires per day, regardless of its load. If the power core is out of fuel it no longer produces any power.

Name Fuel Cost
Small Power Core MK I 2 5000
Small Power Core MK II 4 10000
Small Power Core MK III 8 20000
Small Power Core MK IV 12 50000
Name Fuel Cost
Medium Power Core MK I 4 20000
Medium Power Core MK II 8 40000
Medium Power Core MK III 12 60000
Medium Power Core MK IV 18 80000

Sublight Engines

Sublight engines give the vessel thrust and speed either in space, land or air. There is no difference between the specific types of engines, as it would only complicate things to have different types of engines for each type of vessel.

The speed column shows how much speed is gained by installing this sublight engine on the vehicle.

Name Speed Requirements Cost
Small Sublight Engine MK I 4 Small Vessel, Power Core MK I 2000
Small Sublight Engine MK II 8 Small Vessel, Power Core MK II 4000
Small Sublight Engine MK III 12 Small Vessel, Power Core MK III 8000
Name Speed Requirements Cost
Medium Sublight Engines MK I 3 Medium Vessel, Power Core MK I 30000
Medium Sublight Engines MK II 6 Medium Vessel, Power Core MK II 60000
Medium Sublight Engines MK III 9 Medium Vessel, Power Core MK III 90000
Medium Sublight Engines MK IV 12 Medium Vessel, Power Core MK IV 120000

Sensor Arrays

Sensor arrays provide communications, sensors, emergency beacons and other means of detecting other people, vessels and stations. They provide a bonus to the skill Radio Operations.

Name Radio Op. Requirements Cost
Small Sensor Array MK I +1 Small Vessel, Small Power Core MK I 1000
Small Sensor Array MK II +2 Small Vessel, Small Power Core MK II 2000
Small Sensor Array MK III +4 Small Vessel, Small Power Core MK II 4000
Name Radio Op. Requirements Cost
Medium Sensor Array MK I +1 Medium Vessel, Small Power Core MK I 10000
Medium Sensor Array MK II +2 Medium Vessel, Small Power Core MK II 20000
Medium Sensor Array MK III +4 Medium Vessel, Small Power Core MK II 40000

Security Systems

Security systems include everything from encryption of the data transfer of the computers, to the security protocols of the terminals and of the locks of the ships doors, hatches and airlocks. All of these are simplified into one security module which can be installed and upgraded on ships. Security systems usually cannot be hacked or attacked from afar, but prevent the vessel from theft and other illegal access while docked or parked.

All security systems provide a DC against which Hacking and Intrusion skill checks must be made against. If a crew member wishes to detect or even reverse a hack or intrusion attempt he must pitch his Hacking or Intrusion against that of the intruder. The person on the defending side may gains a bonus from the security module, as listed below.

Security Systems do not come with in sizes, but are the same for all vessel sizes, except for the price. The table below lists the prices for each vessel size (small, medium, large and capital) and the DC for intrusion and hacking attempts, as the system provides him with tools and countermeasures against intruders.

Having no security system does not automatically mean that the vehicle can be operated without any sort of clearance. Normal land vehicles (such as cars) can be considered having no special security system, and may still still require keys to be operated.

Name DC Bonus Cost (S) Cost (M) Cost (L/C)
No security system 8 - - - -
Security System MK I 10 +0 1000 10000 100000
Security System MK II 12 +1 3000 30000 300000
Security System MK III 15 +1 5000 50000 500000
Military Grade System MK I 18 +2 8000 80000 800000
Military Grade System MK II 20 +3 12000 120000 1200000

Shield Generators

Shield generates produce a shield that soaks up to their shield value of damage. The recharge column specifies how many shield points they recharge per round.

Name Shield Recharge Requirements Cost
Small Shield Generator MK I 10 2 Small Vessel, Small Power Core MK II 10000
Small Shield Generator MK II 20 2 Small Vessel, Small Power Core MK III 20000
Small Shield Generator MK III 30 3 Small Vessel, Small Power Core MK IV 30000
Name Shield Recharge Requirements Cost
Medium Shield Generator MK I 50 3 Medium Vessel, Medium Power Core MK II 50000
Medium Shield Generator MK II 100 4 Medium Vessel, Medium Power Core MK III 100000
Medium Shield Generator MK III 150 5 Medium Vessel, Medium Power Core MK IV 150000


Weapons come in all shapes and sizes and often require ammunition to operate properly. They have a flat damage they deal, and often a damage type. The reload column defines how many actions it takes to reload the gun before it can fire again. If it is capable of burst firing it is noted in the special column.

Railguns are used for long range sniping, and are the main weapons most ships use for ship to ship combat. Point defence or PD are used in close quarters, and represent machine guns, Gatling guns and other weapons with a high rate of fire. They are mainly effective at closer rangers, against soft targets and for destroying missiles. Missile launchers are used destroy armoured targets and are highly effective against vehicles, but their ammunition is expensive and limited. The stats for range, damage and speed for the missiles are listed in the rockets and missiles section. Launcher’s fire one rocket and then reload, while missile batteries are preloaded with a fixed amount of rockets. Once they are empty, they have to be manually reloaded.

Small Weapons

Name Dmg Type Ammo Range Reload Requirements Special Cost
Railgun MK I 8 Piercing 30mm 100km 1 rnd. Small Vessel, Small Power Core MK I 4000
Railgun MK II 12 Piercing 30mm 150km 2 rnds. Small Vessel, Small Power Core MK II 8000
Railgun MK III 16 Piercing 30mm 200km 4 rnds. Small Vessel, Small Power Core MK III -1 Speed 12000
PD MK I 3 Piercing 10mm 400m 1 act. Small Vessel, Small Power Core MK I 10 Burst 3000
PD MK II 6 Piercing 10mm 500m 1 act. Small Vessel, Small Power Core MK II 10 Burst 6000
PD MK III 8 Piercing 10mm 600m 1 act. Small Vessel, Small Power Core MK III 15 Burst 8000
Battery MK I - Explosion 4 x Missile - - Small Vessel, Small Power Core MK I No reload, -1 Speed 3000
Battery MK II - Explosion 10 x Missile - - Small Vessel, Small Power Core MK II No reload, -2 Speed 6000
Revolver cannon MK I 4 Explosion 25mm 2km 1 act. Small Vessel, Small Power Core MK I 3 Burst 2000
Revolver cannon MK II 8 Explosion 25mm 2km 1 act. Small Vessel, Small Power Core MK II 3 Burst 4000
Revolver cannon MK III 12 Explosion 25mm 3km 1 act. Small Vessel, Small Power Core MK III 5 Burst 8000

Medium Weapons

Name Dmg Type Ammo Range Reload Requirements Special Cost
Railgun MK I 12 Piercing 30mm 100km 1 rnd. Medium Vessel, Medium Power Core MK I 20000
Railgun MK II 16 Piercing 30mm 150km 2 rnds. Medium Vessel, Medium Power Core MK II 40000
Railgun MK III 20 Piercing 30mm 200km 4 rnds. Medium Vessel, Medium Power Core MK III -1 Speed 100000
PD MK I 6 Piercing 10mm 400m 1 act. Medium Vessel, Medium Power Core MK I 10 Burst 60000
PD MK II 9 Piercing 10mm 500m 1 act. Medium Vessel, Medium Power Core MK II 10 Burst 90000
PD MK III 12 Piercing 10mm 600m 1 act. Medium Vessel, Medium Power Core MK III 15 Burst 120000
Battery MK I - Explosion 4 x Missile - - Medium Vessel, Small Power Core MK I No reload, -1 Speed 30000
Battery MK II - Explosion 10 x Missile - - Medium Vessel, Small Power Core MK II No reload, -2 Speed 60000
Launcher MK I - Explosion Missile - 2 act. Medium Vessel, Medium Power Core MK I 50000
Launcher MK II - Explosion Missile - 1 act. Medium Vessel, Medium Power Core MK II 100000


Rail gun and PD

Standard 30mm rail gun ammunition costs 300 credits for a crate of 100 projectiles.

The 10mm projectiles for standard point defence and Gatling guns costs 200 credits for a box 1000 rounds of ammunition. Generally the ammunition for point defence comes in such huge boxes, that the players usually do not have to worry about running out of ammo.


Missiles have to be bought separately and have to be stored in cargo. Launchers automatically reload from cargo space, and batteries have to be loaded prior to flight.

Dumb fire rockets cannot manoeuvre, and the pilot has to make one attack role to see if his dumb fire rockets hit. Tracking missiles can reengage their targets, tracking them across long distances. Tracking missiles have an additional pilot score, that is added (alongside their speed) to their attack roll.

Missiles attack twice, once during the additional attack, and they can turn around and attack again.

If a point defence is able to hit the missile they are considered destroyed, and will no longer track the target.

Name Dmg Speed Pilot Range Special Cost Weight
Burya MK I 10 9 0 60km Dumb fire 500 100 kg
Burya MK II 20 10 0 80km Dumb fire 800 120 kg
Vikr MK I 20 9 1 120km Tracking 4000 150 kg
Vikr MK II 30 10 2 200km Tracking 6000 210 kg


Fuel comes in kilograms and is usually stored in cargo of the vessel and is directly taken from there to fuel the power core. One kilogram of fuel costs 2 credits and can be bought at most stations.