When a character performs complex operations a skill is involved, that your character has to learn first. Whether it be operating a vehicle, shooting a firearm, climbing a steep cliff or trying to convince another character or NPC. Each skill is associated with two abilities. If a skill check is made, a trained character can add the modifier of those abilities to his roll.
Some skills are special, as in they require a lot of effort to learn and use right, or require special materials, trainers or facilities to learn properly.
Each skill has a rank that goes from zero to ten. With zero meaning that the character has just learned the skill and cannot draw upon any experience when performing tasks. Ten represents absolute mastery.
Learning new skills¶
Normal skills take one CCP to unlock, upon which the skill has a rank of zero. If the skill is a special skill, the unlock costs are ten CCP instead.
Once the skill is learned, rank increases can be bought with the same exact amount of CCP as the next rank. So to increase a skill from 3 to 4, you’d have to pay 4 CCP.
Using skills¶
Each task, against which your skill is pitched against, has a base difficulty. If the base difficulty is at or below your skill level you may be able to perform the task without rolling your dice in come circumstances. This means that your character can perform this task given enough time and no adverse external influences.
For example, an avid shooter can always hit his target on his range, if he’s rested and aims long enough. But this doesn’t mean he can hit another target on the same distance as easy in the heat of combat, fatigued by days of fighting. As soon as external influences come into affect, you have to roll.
If you have unlocked a skill you make a skill check rolling a ten-sided dice, adding the appropriate ability modifiers, and adding the skill’s rank.
If you have not unlocked the skill you simply roll a ten-sided dice and only add negative ability modifiers to the roll.
Skills that are marked as special need to be unlocked in order to be used.
When your result exceeds or is equal to the tasks difficulty (which is the base difficulty, plus any situational hindrances) you succeed. Please see tasks and Checks and Difficulties for rules on calculating the DC, and causing minor, medium or major successes or failures.