This section of the rules provides some pre-generated NPCs and enemies.

Reading the entries

All secondary abilities, such as hit points, are already calculated and the skill modifiers include any relevant bonuses from primary abilities. Most of the entries suggest basic equipment, which of course can (and should be) customised for the specific role. A Russian Spetsnaz operative (Expert Soldier) might for example use an AK based rifle instead of an AR-15 based rifle.

Most of the NPCs entries, are separated into four tiers, depending on their skill and effectiveness: Rookie, Experienced, Expert and Veteran.


The tiers reflect how strong a certain NPC is, and also how skilled he is in his field. For most intelligent NPCs this also reflects a sense of experience and advanced skill and training. Non intelligent NPCs, such as animals, are often not graded in those tiers, unless it makes sense for the specific NPCs. For example combat drones might be graded in these tiers, with a higher rank reflecting more advanced armament, targeting A.I. or armour.


Rookies may have just finished their training or are otherwise inexperienced in whatever they are doing. A soldier straight out of basic training is considered a “Rookie Soldier”, or a medical doctor that just graduated and has gained his or her Ph.D.


Experienced NPCs separate themselves from Rookie’s in that they have at least a few years of active experience in their field. A medical doctor that has completed his or her foundation years and has been working in a hospital should be considered an “Experienced Doctor”. An experienced soldier has seen combat deployment, and an experienced pilot has hundreds - if not thousands - of hours of flight.


Expert NPCs are highly trained, or specialised to a degree that distinguishes them from others in their field who have just gained operational experiences. Police officers that have excessive training in anti-terror operations, specialised surgeons or scientists on the fore-front of their field are considered Expert NPCs.


Veteran NPCs are the best of the best. Highly trained spec ops soldiers, scientists that are wayfarers in their field of study, or highly trained ace pilots are considered veterans.


If the institution those NPCs are associated with, have a hierarchy then the NPC tier is also often reflected in that hierarchy. Rookie soldiers might have the rank of private or corporal, whereas experienced soldiers might be sergeants or even lieutenants. When designing NPCs this must not always be the case however. An ace pilot may be a veteran, but by rank she is “just” a captain. Many factors - apart from skill - determine the rank within organisations.