Melee Combat

A player character can engage another in melee combat if they are close to each other (up to a metre). To attack another opponent in melee roll a skill check of the Melee Combat skill. If it counts as a surprise attack the opponent is not allowed to dodge or block and must take the attack. If attacker hits, he rolls for damage. See the equipment section for weapons and their damage.

If the opponent is aware of the attack he may now use one of his actions this round to dodge the attack. If he has no more actions left, he can dodge but takes a cumulative penalty of -2 for each additional dodge. To dodge the attack the opponent makes a Dodge check against the attacker’s attack check. If the defender exceeds the attack roll he has successfully evaded the attack and takes no damage.

Instead of dodging an attack, one may also choose to block instead. The opponent rolls a ten sided die (d10) and adds Strength and Constitution modifiers to the dice result. If he exceeds the attack roll, he has successfully blocked the attack, and damage received is halved. Otherwise the damage is taken in full.