Secondary Abilities

Apart from the primary abilities, your character also has a set of secondary abilities. These derive from your abilities, and also change accordingly as they increase or decrease.

Hit Points

Hit Points (HP) are an abstraction of your characters physical well being and remaining health. As your character takes damage he or she loses hit points. If your character reaches the negative value of it’s maximum hit points your character is dead. Below zero hit points your character is usually negatively impacted, or even unconscious.

A character’s hit points are calculated by adding the ranks of constitution and strength to 25.

HP = 25 + CON + STR


Speed is the amount of movement your character can do as part of action. It is derived by adding the dexterity and strength modifier together and then add five. A character with zero speed points left is unable to move unless he applies effort.

Speed = 5 + DEX + STR


Effort is a pool the represents how much additional effort a character can put into tasks and skill checks. Applying effort means going above and beyond what the character is usually capable of doing, usually by pushing him or her to the limit. It is determined by adding the modifier of strength and constitution together and multiplying them by two. This value is then added to the base of ten.

Effort = 10 + (CON + STR ) * 2

Whenever you do a skill check, do movement using speed or try to damage someone in melee you can spend effort to boost that skill.

Effort regenerates completely after a full rest of eight hours.

Carrying Capacity

The maximum weight a character can carry for a longer period of time is defined by adding the character’s constitution and strength rank to 10. The result is the amount of kgs (kilograms) the character can carry around with him.

Carrying Capacity = 10 + CON + STR