
The character has six major abilities, and they define your overall tone of the character. These abilities have ranks from one to ten, with the average being five. Each ability also has a modifier, which determines if you gain a benefit or a disadvantage from your ability rank. The rank is determined whether you are above or below the average of five. For each rank above the average, you gain one positive modifier, and for each rank below average you gain a minus rank.

For example Jack has a seven strength, which means he has a plus two modifier in strength. Whenever Jack does a task related to strength, he can add the plus two modifier to his roll.


Strength represents your raw physical power. It determines not only how much a character can lift, drag or push; but also how far he can jump, or how much damage he does in melee combat.


Dexterity determines your characters fine motor skills and how well your hand-eye coordination is. It is used in combat with fire arms, and other skills that require a steady hand, such as piloting a vessel or performing surgery.


Constitution determines the physical wellness of your character. It determines your hit points, as well as endurance and overall fitness and health of your character.


Intelligence represents how well and fast your character learns, how well he can think logically, or in abstract terms. It is important for the sciences and other academic fields.


Perception is the awareness of your character. It describes how well your character can describe his surroundings, either passively or actively. It determines how well the character finds things that are hidden, or notices danger.



Charisma may seem underwhelming compared to other abilities. Social interaction is a vital aspect of the game, and while you may be tempted to omit prioritizing charisma, NPCs and enemies certainly won’t. Speak to your GM if there is a lot of social interaction in his campaign. If your group is f.e. stranded in space, you probably won’t have a lot of social interactions.

Charisma determines how well your character can interact with others. This includes force of personality, speech articulation and expressions. It is not just the overall beauty of a character, but also his appearance and charm.


Your average person has five in all abilities. This means that said person is not particularly good but also not bad at these abilities. A six means that the character has spent some amount of training in that area or just has a natural talent for these sorts of things. The average person that goes out jogging and bicycling a few times a week might have a constitution of six. While someone who barely does any sports, might have a constitution of four.

Ranks below three disable your character a lot and you should talk to your game master first about it. At character creation ranks above seven are also generally prohibited, unless your game master rules otherwise.

Raising and lowering

Raising an ability score costs the modifier of the new rank times five. So if you want to raise an ability from 6 (+1) to 7 (+2) you have to pay ten CCP. Lowering works the same way, except that you gain that amount of CCP. For example by lowering your intelligence form 5 to 4 you gain five CCP.

Your Character

Your character starts with five in all ability scores. You may then use your CCP to adjust these scores to roughly define your character. Notice that scores under three and above seven are prohibited - unless your game master rules otherwise.