The First Martian Republic (often shortened to just Mars or the Republic) owns and spans the entire colony of Mars. With the A central space station, Mars Prime, initially built by ESA serves as the capital. Underground rail systems connect the other space stations together.

By 2112 roughly 40 million people call the FMR their home, with an additional five million people visiting the FMR yearly.

The FMR is congressional republic, headed by a largely representative president.


The FMR consists of six cities (or hubs) that were based upon the initial space stations landed onto Mars. The stations are all tubular, and split into different highly specialised sections. For example every city has an agricultural section, various interconnected tubular stations and ports responsible for growing and processing food. Other sections are responsible for civilian housing, mining the Martian crust, or housing research laboratories.

None of the six cities are specialised in one area, and each is theoretically capable of sustaining itself. At the centre of hubs lies the biggest: Mars Prime which houses roughly 10 million people.

The six cities are: Mars Prime, Phobos, Deimos, Dawn, Yinghuo and Mangalyaan. All of these are connected through underground rail systems.

Zond Incident

A seventh city, Zond was destroyed in 2093 by asteroid impacts, which damaged their stations hull venting their atmosphere. The incident killed 1.4 million people. The underground railway to Zond was destroyed by secondary explosions, causing the inhabitants of Zond to be trapped on the destroyed station.

Overland craft from Zond and Dawn (the nearest hub) managed to evacuate twenty thousand people before the station was effectively destroyed by secondary explosions.

Laws & Society

The FMR bans all civilian fire arm use, and heavily limits their use within Martian Police Forces (MPF) so as not to damage the space station, or even risk a breach of the hull.

All visitors of the FMR are restricted to the hub they have business in, while citizens of the FMR can travel freely; but must have a move from one city to another approved by the authorities.

Citizens of the FMR are required to do a mandatory six year community service, to aid and benefit the colony and its advance. Boys and girls are drafted after school at the age of 16, after their six year community service they are free to choose were to live and work. Community service ranges wildly, and can also include military service. The community service is also required for everyone who wishes to become a citizen of Mars. Aborting the community service can cause one to lose his Martian citizenship.

The First Martian Republic has a strong incentive system in place however, which results in the FMR having one of the lowest expat rate in the solar system.

Citizens of the Martian Republic enjoy liberal rights, while the economy is more closely regulated towards the growth of the colony.

Foreign Relations

While the FMR officially holds good relationships with Earth, many people from Earth see the people and citizens of Mars as blended ideologists with an unreachable goal: terra forming Mars.

Many from Earth also still believe that the FMR owes them, for their space programs that effectively gave birth to the FMR in the first place. However, with the independence treaty of 2083 the FMR was officially absolved from such claims.

Space Station OSIRIS

The FMR also runs and operates a large space station in orbit around Mars.


While it is currently not yet possible to terra form planets, the FMR invests heavily into that research. The goal is to one day make the surface of the planet liveable. Many scholars and researchers believe this to be impossible however, as Mars lacks a magnetic field that would protect an atmosphere from being blasted away by solar radiation.

Role in the IPA

The First Martian Republic, alongside with the Earths United Nations, is one of main contributor to the Inter-Planetary Authority.

Mars is known as a builder of high quality and high tech space vessels, and the main bulk of the IPA fleet is built on Mars.