
The planet Kepler-22b has a human breathable atmosphere, with an air composition similar to that of Earth. Atmospheric pressure at sea level is slightly lighter than that on Earth mean sea level. The difference is too minuscule however to have any noticeable effect.

Temperatures range between -30 degrees Celsius and +25 degrees Celsius during the day at the equator. The poles are far colder with average temperatures reaching as low as -50 degrees Celsius.

Sun: 190 parsecs from earth, G5 Type main sequence star, smaller and cooler than the sun

Planet: Twice the size of earth, 124 earth masses, 290 days per year

Solar Radiation

The planet still has a functioning magneto sphere and is thus protected from the solar winds and radiation of its host star Kepler 22.


Gravity on Kepler-22b is slightly higher than on Earth, with roughly 1.2 of Earth's gravity. The effects of the higher gravity are minuscule, and all humans used to Earth's gravity can life on the planet without issues.

Ocean Planet

Kepler-22b is a water planet, with most of its surfaces covered with vast oceans. The few land masses are devout of life, and are covered deserts of rock and sand. The oceans are filled with microbiological life however.