Earth Nations

Earth's nations remain mostly unchanged. However the need for larger cooperations and budgets for space exploration has driven forward the concept of nationes united in one banner.

While national culture, language and pride still exists; most people have begun to think and associate themselves with the bigger overal national unions.

Earth has grown to roughly 35 billion inhabitants, with most civilisation centred around and in huge cities. While advances in agricultural, recycling and societal fields has kept pace with the growing population, many scholars and researchers agree that Earth is either on the brink, or already heavy overpopulated.

Pollution, rising poverty, the destruction of nature and the ever growing power of large corporations is an everlasting concern for the citizens of earth.

European and Asian Coalition

In 2044 Russia joined, as the last independent country of Europe, the European Union. The EU, with the help of Russia, then began to seek closer ties with the Asian region. Trade agreements with Japan, China, a newly united Korea, Australia and other nations of Asia catapulted the European Union towards the front of research, space exploration, living standards, social development and corporate cooperation.

This deal bore fruit in 2062 as the just recently merged Zeiss and Yahari corporations (now under the name SART) created the first viaable faster than light space drive. It was colloquially named after the FTL drive in Star Trek franchise: Warp.

In the aftermath of this huge breakthrough for the human race, the European Union and its trade partners in Asia created the European and Asian Coalition. Together they signed the Treaty of Moscow, to advance the human race towards the final frontier.

The government form of the EAC has been unchanged from its precursor the European Union, and the new countries have simply been 'added' as new members of the EAC.

United Americas

The United Americas consists of all of the nations of the northern as well as the southern Americas. After the trade deals between Europe and Asia, the USA sought closer ties to its neighbours and solidified their trade and political deals under the banner of the United Americas.

While the United Americas have been surpassed as the de-facto superpower of Earth by the EAC, they still house some of the most important research organisations, corporations and sport together one of the largest economies of Earth.

In 2043 the DARPA, together with subcontractors and various research institutes developed the Feynman Drive, a new sublight engine that works by only requiring electrical power as fuel. Together with the fusion cores researched at ITER, this allowed NASA and ESA to undertake more advanced space missions. The Feynman Drive is still in use on all space vessels.

African Union

The African Union achieved economical and societal stability in the early 21st century. Together with partners in the Arabic, European and Asian world it achieved prosperity and a population boom in the 2030s. The African Union become home to many biological and pharmaceutical corporations and research institution. By 2033 a vaccine for Malaria has been found, and by 2037 the African Union produces the first working generic vaccine for HIV. The corporations responsible for these vaccines, Jengur and Xu Holdings are now the largest on Earth, having taken over most of their competitors in America, Europe, and Asia.

United Nations

The EAC, United Americas and the African Union together still meet and work together under the mantle of the United Nations. The United Nations is also the banner under which Earth negotiates with independent colonies, such as the FMC or the newly established Kepler Colony.