Micro Gravity Physique

People porn and raised in micro gravity have a weaker physique than people born and raised in gravity. Bone and muscle mass is reduced, and they may not even be able to move on planets with high gravity.

Characters with this flaw require twice the amount of movement points on planets with at least half the gravity of Earth.

Characters with this flaw also have a -1 penalty on strength.

Through extended stay on training in low gravity environments (over six months) this perk can be upgraded to Low Gravity Physique.

Low Gravity Physique

Character that have grown up in low gravity, also need two additional movement points if they wish to move on a planet with a gravity equal or higher than that of Earth.

Space Adaption Syndrome

People born on Earth have acquired bone and muscle mass to counteract gravity. During extended stays in micro gravity these characters suffer from what is called space adaption syndrome. In the first two months their immune system gets worse, and characters incur a -2 penalty to saving throws against diseases and illnesses. In the fourth month their eyes have trouble adapting and they incur a -1 penalty on perception. After six months their bone and muscle mass have slowly deterioted to a point were it effects them heavily. Their incur a -1 penalty to strength.

These penalties can be cured by returning to a planet with Earth like gravity for an extended visit (two weeks or up to a month).