SART is the corporation which invented the warp drive in 2062. This catapulted the company to one of the biggest builders of space vessels in the known systems.

In 2078 they expanded into the business of building and maintaining space stations. And the first large project they completed was Rhea station.

They were founded in 2001 in Germany and have merged or acquired many high tech companies across the globe, including Japan, China, Russia and all across Europe.


SART (often just abbreviated to SART) employ over 1 million people. It has an yearly turn over of roughly 1845 billion credits. It is there fore considered one of the most powerful and influential corporations in the known system.


SART builds vessels, arms and the warp drive required to send them across the stars. It supplies most large factions with vessels, including the United Nations of Earth, the IPA and the FMR.

Vessels of SART can also be bought by civilians. Civilian versions - with all the weapons removed - are available for all SART models.


The corporation is active in all sorts of physique research, trying to improve the Warp drive. The company also has many subsidiaries with SART Frontiers being the biggest. It's main area of research is the engineering of space stations and frontier outposts. It was heavily involved in the development of the station that colonised Kepler 22b.


SART operates various research facilities and stations across the known systems. Many of these are highly classified.

Security Forces

The Security Forces of SART are numerous and often consist of ex-IPA soldiers and mercenaries. As a company SART has a permits required to fully arm its soldiers, mercenaries and also its vessels.

SART operates six large ships, two of which are highly classified research vessels, and the other four are used for securing SART's vast network of stations, offices, vessels and outposts.