
Fenrir, previously known as Blackwater, Hessian and Morgenstern, is an Earth based private military contractor. They provide security detail, both in space and on surfaces and are considered one of the largest operator of military equipment.


Founded as Blackwater Inc. in 2004 they largely operated in the middle east providing security detail for oil companies. After a skirmish between local insurgents and soldiers from Blackwater Inc. that left 23 civilians dead and several more wounded, they renamed to Hessian Inc.

After the advent of space exploration the Hessian Inc. expanded into space, acquiring several vessels. They continued to operate as corporate security.

In 2062 they acquired the Weinfeld Company, a smaller manufacturer of space vessels, and renamed themselves as Morgenstern Inc. With the newly acquired space port, and a small station in Venus' habitable orbit, they began production of their own fleet of armed military vessels.

Morgenstern Inc. was responsible for the security of Ceres station when the water crisis broke out. After initial peaceful protests, the security personnel used violence to break up the protests. As the protests retaliated the mercenaries of Morgenstern Inc. used force resulting in the death of over a hundred protesters. After this incident the Morgenstern Inc. renamed itself yet again, taking it's current name Fenrir.

Personnel and ships of Fenrir can be identified by their logo: A large wolf howling to the stars. They use this logo on all ships and on their soldiers uniforms.


Fenrir works for everyone that is willing to the price, so as long as the operation is legal. They provide security, armed forced, armed ship and fleet escort and are also known to secure and guard highly classified research and mining stations.

They also give out and handle bounties on pirates, smugglers and other illegal elements.

Fenrir still manages the security of Ceres station.


As a private military contractor with their own ship yard, they operate a large fleet of roughly 60 medium vessels and ten large vessels. Their mercenaries are equipped with the latest military equipment, and are highly trained.

They have been known to operate tanks, armed transports, helicopters, and other military grad equipment if the mission required it. They of course hold all the permits and grants required to operate such equipment.


Fenrir recruits from the pool of ex-military personnel such as ex-IPA, martians who had their community service with the IPA, or local government forces. They train in secret facilities on Earth and can hold their own against special forces.

Members of Fenrir have been linked to illegal activities, such as cooperation with known pirates or smugglers, as well as industrial espionage, theft or sabotage.

The security on Ceres station, most of them Ex-Fenrir operatives, are still in contact with their previous employers. This has led Fenrir to have a foot in the door, to operate in and hide illegal activities on Ceres station.