The blacker the sun, the darker the dawn.

Dark Dawn

The Dark Dawn is a population of humans that life on space ships. They wander the known systems, without calling any system or planet their home.


The fleet of the Dark Dawn is huge and considerable, and they call one capital vessel the centre of their fleet. The rest are mostly medium vessels that support the capital. The capital vessel "Black Sun" is also the main seat of their leadership, an elected council of elders.

Their main fleet never breaks up, and only rarely do support ships leave the side of the Black Sun.


The Dark Dawn does not recognise or follow the space treaty of 2038, and instead live by their own rules and laws.

Every prospect of the Dark Dawn is required to contribute to the fleet before being able to become a member. This applies to their young as much as it applies to outsiders of the community.

Many of the community's members, and its prospects, revolve to illegal means of acquiring said contribution. This has lead the Dark Dawn to become feared and shunned as space pirates, smugglers and traffickers.

Slavery within the community is legal, with many of the non-members being de-facto slaves and prisoners of the community. Although they have the chance to buy themselves free, they rarely get the chance to leave to acquire the contribution necessary to buy themselves free.


The Dark Dawn foremost are traders. It doesn't matter if the goods are considered illegal. The Dark Dawn are also known as slave traders.

Many lone elements of the Dark Dawn are also known to dabble in piracy, and theft, especially if they still have to make the contribution to the community before being accepted.


The IPA has classified the Dark Dawn as 'organised crime' and thus openly oppose the Dark Dawn. While the Dark Dawn avoids any direct confrontations with the IPA, they have been known to fight skirmishes against the IPA.

Most high ranking or well known members of the Dark Dawn are on a black list of the IPA, and are thus banned from all IPA run stations and outposts.