

Drugs can be consumed to gain a temporary benefit, yet are highly addictive. The first table lists all drugs that have a benefit upon consumption, and the second table lists other drugs that are mainly traded and dealt to addicts. After effects kick in when the main effect end. The effects of drugs do not stack with each other, and taking different or the same drug multiple times only add more after effects. Prices are for one dose.

Name Description Effects After Effects Cost
Speed - +1 Perception for 6 hours, stops tiredness - 600
Red Eye Highly specialised combat drug +1 Per and +1 Dex for 4 hours Tiredness, exhausted and 1 HP lost 1200
Blood Eye Improved Red Eye +2 Per and +2 Dex for 4 hours Tiredness, exhaustion, addiction and 1d4 HP lost 2500
Saat Used in doping +1 STR and +1 CON for 8 hours Highly addictive,
-1 Dex and -1 Int for 24 hours 1500

Red Eye and Blood Eye come in small vials and is sprayed into the eye. One vial has five usages before being empty. Consuming the entire vile in one go, results in a deadly overdose.

Saat is a pill and is often eaten, or made into a powder and drunk.

Healing Equipment

Wound gel is put over open wounds to stop bleeding and avoid infection. A doctor can still easily remove it and then tend to the wounds. Wound foam is used on open and with internal wounds and stops internal bleeding. It is used in combat to temporarily stabilise the patient until they can reach a medical doctor. It lasts for 24 hours, after which the patient begins to lose HP and accumulate wounds as normal.

An adrenaline shot (or combat shot) allows a character to "ignore" 2d4 HP for the next six hours. Adrenaline and combat shot are addictive, and extended use might result in a dependency.

Name Description Weight Cost
Wound gel Heals 1 wound 0.2 750
Wound foam Stops HP and wounds for 24 hours 0.4 1500
Adrenaline shot Heals 2d4 HP, lasts 6 hours 0.2 500
Combat shot Heals 2d8 HP, lasts 6 hours 0.2 1000
First Aid Kit Heals 1 wound, 1d4 HP +2 to first aid and medicine 0.5 500
Medic Kit Heals 2 wounds, 2d4 HP +4 to first aid and medicine 1.2 1000

Reconstructive Surgery

Artificial limbs are robotic limbs that range from heavy and clumsy, to almost perfect. Cloned limbs are created from the DNA and stem cells of the actual host and take weeks or even months to finish (depending on the size). Cloned limbs are the more expensive (but more authentic) alternative to artificial limbs.

Artificial limbs cannot be detached from the body. They are directly crafted onto nerves and skin, and replacing them means another surgery to remove the old and reattach the new limb.

Name Description Penalties Weight Cost
Artificial Hand MK I Robotic hand -3 Dex, +1 Str 4 35000
Artificial Hand MK II Advanced robotic hand -2 Dex, +1 Str 3 50000
Artificial Hand MK III Top of the line robotic hand -1 Dex, +1 Str 2 100000
Artificial Arm MK I Robotic arm 15 20000
Artificial Leg MK I Robotic leg -2 Running, Climbing, Acrobatics, +5 kg carrying capacity - 25000
Artificial Leg MK II Advanced robotic leg -1 Running, Climbing, Acrobatics, +5 kg carrying capacity - 50000
Artificial Leg MK III Top of the line robotic leg +1 Running, Climbing, Acrobatics, +5 kg carrying capacity - 150000
Name Time Cost
Cloned Hand 3-4 Weeks 9-15 Million
Cloned Arm 2 Months >25 Million
Cloned Foot 2-3 Weeks 8-10 Million
Cloned Leg 1-2 Months >20 Million
Cloned Organ 2-4 Weeks 5-10 Million
Cloned Eye 4 Weeks 15-25 Million
Cloned Skin 1-4 Days 1-4 Million

Vessel Items

Name Description Weight Cost
Suspension Fluid 100 litres of suspension fluid for one pod 120kg 10000


Name Description Weight Cost
PDA Personal PDA, hacking DC 8 0.4 1000


Permits and forms allow characters to carry around, purchase, or operate certain items.

Vessel Permits

Permit 12a allows the vessel to be armed with all weapons. Point defence are allowed even without a 12a. Nuclear missiles are only allowed with a 12b which is usually not obtainable. It is sufficient if one the crew has this licence.

Name Description Cost
Permit 12a Allows a space vessel to be equipped with weapons. 500000
Permit 12b Allows carrying of nuclear weapons Can't be bought

Personal permits

Personal permits allow a character to wield, purchase and carry certain items. Owning of a semi automatic hand gun is legal, but only 22a gives the permit to carry them on space stations or on planets. Owning of semi automatic high calibre weapons (rifles, shotguns, PDWs) is generally forbidden for civilians.

Most of the weapon licences also allow the purchasing of ammunition for these weapons.

Most of these licences can be temporarily or permanently suspended or revoked by authorities.

Name Description Cost
Permit 22a Allows carrying of semi-automatic hand-guns 50000
Permit 22b Concealed carry extension of 22a 20000
Permit 31a Allows owning semi automatic high calibre firearms, such as rifles 100000
Permit 31b Allows carrying semi automatic high calibre firearms 100000
Permit 39 Allows owning and carrying of military grade weapons 500000
Pilot's licence Allows owning and flying of space craft 75000
Driver's licence Allows owning and driving of vehicles 4000
Trader's licence Allows trading and hauling large quantities of goods 10000
Mercenary's licence Gives special privileges in terms of carrying weapons, and protecting civilians 25000
Bounty Hunter's licence Gives special privileges in terms of carrying weapons, and allows to turn in criminals for rewards 10000